料理&経営の放置ゲーム 大繁盛! まんぷくマルシェ2




In heart-warming and the friendly world, collected the food, cook, sales at the store!nVery popular free your Miseyas game "Cute" series is the second series!

ほのぼのとした優しい世界で、食材を集め、料理を作り、お店で販売!大好評の無料お店屋さんゲーム「まんマル」シリーズ第2弾です!今度の舞台は”王都のマルシェ”。絵本のような優しい世界で、世界中のお客さんをもてなそう!前作で好評だった【シェフとの会話】や【ネオ料理の開発】はそのままに、多数の新要素で大幅パワーアップ!ただのほのぼのお店屋さんゲームと思いきや、意外と奥が深いかも!?「王国の道具屋さん」「再生! カラカラ惑星」のアソボックスが贈る、お手軽経営シミュレーション最新作です!In heart-warming and the friendly world, collected the food, cook, sales at the store!Very popular free your Miseyas game "Cute" series is the second series!Now the stage is "the king Metropolitan of Marche". In the friendly world, such as a picture book, Motenaso the audience around the world!Previous work [the development of neo-cuisine] and [conversation with the chef] was popular in, but will remain significantly power-up in a number of new elements!I thought with just a heartwarming your Miseyas game, be surprisingly profound! ?Give the Aso box of "Mr. kingdom of tool toul to", "Play! Caracalla planet",Easy management simulation is the latest work!v1.2.2・金のタマゴ購入画面を2回以上開いた際、Loadingのまま進まなくなる不具合を修正しました。v1.2.1・全料理開発後、開発画面でのCP→EXP変換ボタンが押せない不具合を修正しました。v1.2.0.2・軽微な修正を行いましたv1.2.0.1・マルシェ画面のボーナス広告内容を変更しました (スキルゲージMAX → 金のタマゴ1~3コ)・スキル使用時と販売目標達成時、たまにボーナス広告が表示されるようになりました。・「メニュー」→「シェフ」→「会話一覧」で、会話が発生する営業の組み合わせを確認できるようになりました。・アプリの内部システムを大幅に変更し、64bitに対応しました。 (不具合がありましたら、アプリ内の不具合報告よりお知らせください!)

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Needs an english translation, because I figured out the recipe while using google translate \('-'\)

Angela Natania

It's very nice game just I don't understand japanese

A Google user

I absolutely love this game, I wish I understood it though instead of retreating back to google translate time to time.


I don't know Japanese but it's not difficult to guess, can't wait for the third one


Cute story. Simple control.

Li Ping Yap

Don't understand what they are saying but it easy to understand when it comes to controlling the game and how it is played. If it ever get English language I would download it in a heartbeat. But I'm fine playing it just how it is now.

Mai Kawaii P-Chan

story is totally cute :)

S Gee

love this game.

sh blend



I don't really understand any of the Japanese words, might be better if there's an English translate of it. But, thank goodness, the tutorial taught me how to play. It's so fun and I got addicted to it! :D

strawberry milk